The Health Museum is situated at the hospital section (Darüşşifa) of the Complex of Sultan Bayezid II (Külliye) in Yeniimaret district of Edirne city center. HOW TO GO?
The distance between İstanbul and Edirne is 220 km. It takes non-stop interurban buses 2.5 hours to go between these places by using the expressway. If this distance is taken by private cars, the time period decreases to 1.5 hours.
The visitors coming to Edirne could reach the museum through 2 different roads.
First road: You can reach the museum by passing through Gazimihal Bridge on the way to Kapıkule from the city center. After the bridge, turn right to arrive at the museum which is 500m far away from the bridge.
Second road: Firstly, you should find the Government Building of Edirne. And then, take the road on left that goes down to the River Tunca. After passing through Yalnızgöz and Sultan Bayezid II Bridges, you will see the museum. The ones who travel by minibuses could get on minibuses carrying the letter “A” at any bus stop in the intercity bus station and city centre.
MUSEUM VISITING HOURS: Everyday: 09.00-17.30
TICKET PRICE: Per person: 15TL.
This content was issued on 23.10.2013 and has been viewed for 353 times.